Fresh Start

Way back in -- I don't remember exactly -- 2008 I think, I created this website thinking that I would use it to write helpful guides on how to use technology and make it easy for non-technical folks to do cool things. This was back when blogs were a big deal somewhere between when MySpace was falling apart and Facebook was just starting to become mainstream.

Initially, I had some good content and felt pretty good about it. Then as time progressed and my life got busier, I stopped writing. I couldn't put out the content that I wanted and especially not with the quality level that I saw in my mind as being reflective of my capability. So I just stopped. Every once in a while I'd feel inspired (or perhaps just guilty) and I'd post something, but usually that content was just a vague promise of something yet to come. I eventually got frustrated and just gave up altogether.

Here I am now, some 10 years later (from the start) and I finally figured out what to do with this. I'm going to just write things. I need this to just be a creative outlet for myself. I don't really care much if anyone reads or comments or anything.

I found that somewhere inside me there is a perfectionist that holds me back far too often. For a very long time I rarely felt satisfied with the things I created because there was always something telling me it could be better and not to put it out there for others to see until it was just right.

Well, I've fought that stupid perfectionist voice long enough. I'm just going to write when I want to and not care about how perfect it is. I'm not even going to proof read this. Ha!

This article is my oldest. It is 304 words long

Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated
The error has been logged in /anchor/errors.log
Uncaught Exception

Uncaught Exception

Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated


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#0 [internal function]: System\error::shutdown()
#1 {main}